Celebrating 10 Years in Business

Assisting Individuals and Families in Miami-Dade, Broward, & West Palm Beach

Behavioral Health Case Management

Behavioral health case management consists of assisting and coordinating services for individuals or families in the areas of mental health, medical, financial, employment, social, public entitlements, educational, or other services to improve their level of functioning.

Behavioral Health Assessments | Pickett Fences Family
behavioral health services in fort lauderdale

Our Behavioral Health Partners

Working Together for Success

Refer a Friend or Family Member

Let's Change A Future Today


Our Pickett Fences Family recognizes there is no one-size-fits-all approach for behavioral health case management. Each individual or family situation is unique and requires taking the time to understand the best course of action.

Our initial assessment focuses on understanding where you, your friend, or loved one may be in terms of finances, employment, housing, substance abuse & dependency, and other mental or health challenges.

guided compassion

Our Pickett Fences Family realizes the need to remain compassionate with our clients as we walk through life's challenges together. Our ultimate goal is to assist in helping our clients reach the point where our help is no longer needed.

integrated holistic Approach

Physical health can and does influence your mental health and vice versa. Our team works to understand all facets of your life so we can coordinate & refer the best available medical, social, educational, and vocational services. We have a network of professionals across Miami-Dade, Broward, and West Palm Beach counties ready to assist.

quick facts about us

Individuals Assisted
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